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Top PTA/PTO Fundraising Ideas

Crazy About Cookies

Crazy About Cookies

The top cookie dough fundraiser more than 5 years running

Hello Spring!

Spring Shopper

This shopper has an amazing array of gifts for the whole family

Snackin in the USA

Snackin In The USA

Sell 20 delicious, sweet and savory treats for only $10 each!

Scratch & Help

Scratch & Help

Fun and easy way for your group to earn up to 100% profit!

PTA/PTO Fundraising

PTA and PTO organizations play an integral role in the overall school experience for our children. From supporting school administration, encouraging volunteerism and school spirit, to enhancing educational programs and raising funds to supplement existing programs, it goes without saying that PTA and PTO groups are absolutely essential to a successful school program. One of their key roles is to come up with easy and effective fundraising ideas, which often entails choosing the right product or event, getting volunteers and students involved, making it an educational experience and ensuring your school reaches their fundraising goal.

PTA and PTO fundraisers may include both event fundraising and product fundraisers. Event fundraisers can include casino nights involving fun and games, dinner events, used book sales, and carnivals or fairs. As you may have already experienced, they can be very demanding but not always financially rewarding! Product fundraising ideas generate $1.7 billion in sales for schools and youth organizations throughout America every year. The most common product fundraisers are done using catalogs (also known as order-takers), where students and parents sell gourmet cookie dough, delicious snacks, wrapping paper and gift items, and other fun and practical consumer products. Items are usually priced between $5 and $25, with the school keeping 40%- 50% profit from every sale. With so many fundraiser choices, where do you start?

JustFundraising Can Help You Help Your Children!

Let us help with your PTO or PTA Fundraisers! JustFundraising.com has helped schools, kinder-garden through grade 12, as well as other youth organizations, raise over $70 million in the past 15 years. We offer over 40 proven, quality product fundraisers, we guarantee the highest profit, and our team of fundraising experts will help your PTA and PTO fundraising committees choose the perfect product fundraiser for your school. JustFundraising.com has a winning line-up of over 20 Free-to-Start fundraisers, so you can reach your fundraising goals with zero financial risk!

JustFundraising Offers the Following to Ensure You Raise More:

  • Fundraising Experts To Help Guide You
  • Free Order-Takers and Free Shipping
  • High Quality Products That Sell Themselves
  • 20+ FREE-to-Start Fundraisers
  • The Highest Profit Guarantee or Your Order is FREE

For helpful fundraising tips on how to setup your PTA/PTO fundraiser click here or scroll-down the page.

Browse our Other Categories of PTA/PTO Fundraising Products

JustFundraising offers 2 methods of product fundraising – order-takers (or brochures) and direct-sellers (also known as show-and-sell).

Order Takers

Order-Takers are brochures featuring quality items to sell, such as cookie dough, gourmet snacks and gift items, usually priced between $5 and $25. We’ll send them to you free of charge so you can start selling, and earning up to 55% profit.

Direct Sellers

Direct-Sellers are any product that you have in-hand to sell such as lollipops, Hershey’s candy bars, beef sticks and scratch cards, usually priced between $0.50 and $5. Free Shipping on all.


Fundraising Tips for your PTO or PTA Fundraiser

Find the Best Fundraiser For You!

Before you start your next fundraising activity, you need to make sure you’ve chosen the right fundraiser. What product is in demand in your community, which products have been oversold, what is their price threshold, etc. These tips should guide you to a fundraising solution that works:

  • Price Point – make sure you’re aware of what supporters in your community can afford. An item priced at $7 may sell 5 times more than an item priced at $20. On the other hand, some communities will buy up $20 items without thinking twice – choose the right price for a successful fundraiser.
  • Demand – What do you think your supporters want to buy? Perhaps a product that’s already a hot ticket item in your community; or possibly something new and different, that’s never been offered as a fundraising product but you feel your community will love? If you are trying something new, before you decide to go ahead with it as a fundraiser, make sure you get a few samples, and run it by sellers and buyers to make sure it will be a winner. This simple point will help your fundraising sales significantly.
  • Quality – I always remember a product and the brand when the quality jumps out and surprises me! When you offer quality fundraising products to your supporters, they will remember you and they’ll be ready to buy the next time you come asking for their support. JustFundraising.com emphasizes quality in our full line-up of fundraisers whether it’s delicious spicy, salty and sweet nuts and snacks, our industry leading gourmet cookie dough, quality wrapping paper, or delectable chocolately delight caramel corn and so much more.
  • Profit Level – Besides having a product that sells really well, you need it to generate a decent percentage profit. Look out for at least a 40% profit level, and watch out for any hidden fees like excessive shipping and handling fees that can cut into your fundraiser’s profit. JustFundraising.com offers up to 90% profit.

We want to help. Call one of our experts at 1-888-440-4114. We’ll answer your questions and help you find the perfect fundraiser.


Organization is Critical!

Your fundraising program may require you to coordinate hundreds or even thousands of adult and youth volunteers and sellers. This means you will need to get very organized and develop a fundraising strategy that includes all of your communication and management needs. These tips should help you get started:

  • Determine your overall fundraising goal, as well as individual sales targets, and be sure they’re communicated consistently to your sellers and parents during the fundraiser.
  • Prepare a list of adult volunteers and define their tasks - weekly funds collection, distribution day, and so forth.
  • Organize a list of important dates from kick-off date, to collection dates, to distribution day, and stick to them.
  • Prepare a list of weekly meeting dates for your Fundraising Board, so you can deal with any challenges promptly. Get all of your fundraising managers’ emails and make sure you’re CCed on any fundraising-related issues, to ensure you’re in the loop.
  • Put together an incentive program that will to encourage students and parents to sell big time. Have an area inside the school where students can see the prizes they can win.
  • Have one of the most effective speakers, possibly the principal, be part of your kick-off sales pitch.
  • Prepare weekly letters as well as emails to keep the children and parents informed of the fundraiser status.

Motivate Your School Fundraiser Volunteers

Fundraisers aren’t on everyone’s list of top things to do, so it’s important to use your enthusiasm to keep your sellers inspired about the campaign:

  • Assign individual ‘accounts’ for people, groups or classes so their progress and contribution could be tracked separately. This can quickly add to sales.
  • Offer gifts or other incentives to individuals, groups or classes that surpass particular milestones like quickest or most sales.
  • Do shout-outs to groups or people who are succeeding or improving. This can be done in a weekly e-mail recap, a social media update or at a school assembly. Public recognition can be a highly effective motivator.
  • Remember to maintain an enjoyable and light atmosphere so volunteers can go about their tasks within a pressure-free environment. Too much strain on your volunteers can cause challenges with motivation. Try to remember to have fun!
  • Make sure that students thank their supporters for their generosity and inform their supporters about what they helped their school achieve with the new funds.


Turn fundraising activities into a helpful learning experience

The hectic pace of a fundraiser can often overshadow the beneficial learning experience it can represent for the students. Draw focus around the skills that they are developing. Organize sessions to go over and train students and volunteers on how to develop or showcase the following abilities:

  • Communication and Sales Skills - Fundraising forces students to speak to others in their community, to explain why they are fundraising and to deal with rejection and celebrate a sale. It encourages them to consider multiple channels through which they can generate more sales opportunities. Great life skills!
  • Math Skills - Fundraisers require your fundraising participants to quickly perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, throughout your fundraiser. If they participate in collections for their entire class or school, they will get even more practice. How about getting into statistics - number of orders per class, sales per class, average profit per student by class, etc.
  • Teamwork – Students gain the experience of working together to reach a common goal. Also, every seller’s individual efforts are for the good of the entire class or school, not themselves personally. Learning to work as part of a group is critical in all aspects of life, so it’s a great exercise.
  • Leadership – Fundraising is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills –consider asking them to be in charge of collections for their class, to create posters to promote the fundraiser, to announce fundraising updates over the school intercom, set-up the prize table, and to do sales pitch role plays in front of their class to teach others the best way to sell your product. Watch their confidence grow!

PTA and PTO Fundraising Safety Tips

Safety comes first, especially when it comes to fundraising. Kids should not go out alone to sell product and this must be emphasized in all of your communications with parents and sellers.
Consider these fundraising safety tips:

  • Always ensure children are with parents when fundraising door-to-door.
  • Older children and teenagers should always use the buddy system and have no fewer than two players traveling together. An ideal configuration includes 3 older kids, two who are going to be ringing the doorbell and 1 that will stay on the edge of the property to have a secure view in case help needs to be called.
  • Never enter into a home, under ANY condition. All fundraising should take place no further than the person’s doorstep.
  • Volunteers shouldn’t carry large amounts of money. Have volunteers place money in a safe and protected location in your home, several times throughout your fundraising drive.

Last year was our first fundraiser and used the Crazy about cookies brochure with Justfundraising.com and we raised $6,000 - with only 145 pupils. More importantly we had a fantastic time and it was something for the children of our school to be proud of! They did a great job.


Mick - PTA Group | Garden City, ID


We have run many fall fundraisers and our average profit margin was from $2,500 to $3,000. Most of our fundraisers were bake sales. This year we decided to use Justfundraising and their Crazy about cookies fundraiser. We profited over $6,000, which was huge for our school. We had no idea how big this fundraiser would turn out, but the whole school was very pleased.


Jennifer - PTA Treasure | Denison, TX

