Top Booster Club Fundraising Programs
Spring Shopper
This shopper has an amazing array of gifts for the whole family
Earth Candles
A choice of 20 quality, scented candles. Hand-poured in the USA
Scratch & Help
Fun and easy way for your group to earn up to 100% profit!

Booster Club Fundraising Ideas
Booster Clubs are instrumental in supporting their sports teams and clubs in high schools and colleges. On the high school level, booster clubs are usually made up of parents of the athletes or club members; on the college level, it’s often fans and other supporters. One of the main roles of a booster club is to come up with fundraising ideas. They will then either do the fundraiser themselves, so that the adolescents can focus on their studies and developing their skills; or sometimes the booster clubs will get the students to participate in the fundraiser because more manpower often means more money raised. Many teams and clubs run a huge budget, often over $50,000, to cover things such as field rental, equipment, travel, tournaments and so much more, so coming up with effective fundraisers that give a great return on time and investment is a must.
It’s common for booster club fundraising ideas to include raffles, with local businesses often sponsoring the prizes; spirit item sales such as t-shirts and decals; and concession sales at the games including snacks and hot dogs. Product fundraisers, which are more likely to involve the students as well, include selling cookie dough, discount cards, popcorn and other products to friends, family and close neighbours. If you’re looking for effective fundraising solutions for your booster club, we can help!

JustFundraising Will Give You the Boost You Need!
You are playing a vital role in the success of our youth and we want to help. For over 15 years, has been assisting football boosters, band booster clubs and many other boosters raise money, the right way! We carry only quality fundraising products that we ourselves would be proud and confident to sell. Our fundraising experts will help you choose the RIGHT fundraiser for your booster club based on several key factors. And we make it easy to get started, with our winning line-up of over 20 no up-front cost fundraisers.
JustFundraising Offers the Following to Ensure You Raise More:
- Fundraising Experts To Help Guide You
- Free Order-Takers and Free Shipping
- High Quality Products That Sell Themselves
- 20+ FREE-to-Start Fundraisers
- The Highest Profit Guarantee or Your Order is FREE
For helpful fundraising tips on how to setup your booster club fundraiser click here or scroll-down the page.

Browse our Other Categories of Booster Club Fundraising Products
JustFundraising offers 2 methods of product fundraising – order-takers (or brochures) and
direct-sellers (also known as show-and-sell).
Order-Takers are brochures featuring quality items to sell, such as cookie dough, gourmet snacks and gift items,
usually priced between $5 and $25. We’ll send them to you free of charge so you can start selling, and earning
up to 55% profit.
Direct-Sellers are any product that you have in-hand to sell such as lollipops, Hershey’s candy bars, beef
sticks and scratch cards, usually priced between $0.50 and $5. Free Shipping on all.
Fundraising Tips for Your Booster Club

Find the Best Fundraiser For You!
Before beginning your next product fundraiser, you need to make sure you’ve chosen the right fundraising product to sell. Ask yourself, what is in demand in your community, what is the competition selling, what is the right price, etc. These tips should help:
- Price Point - make sure you’re aware of your supporters’ price sensitivity. An item priced at $7 may sell 5 times better than an item at $20. Having said that, some communities will buy $20 items without thinking twice. Choose a product with an ideal price point, to generate optimal sales.
- Demand - What do your supporters like? Is there already a hot seller that you can’t go wrong by selling, or do you think you’re better off selling something new and different that will make your group stand out? If you are trying something new, before you decide to sell it as your fundraiser, make sure you request a few samples from your fundraising company, and ask your sellers and buyers for their opinion.
- Quality - is proud to emphasize quality in our full line-up of fundraisers whether it’s our delicious spicy, salty and sweet treats, our gourmet cookie dough, our quality gift wrap, or delectable chocolately delight caramel corn, and much more. A quality fundraising product is always appreciated and your supporters will remember your group and support your future fundraisers.
- Profit Level - Besides having a product that sells really well, you need it to generate a solid percentage profit. Look out for at least a 40% profit level, and watch out for any hidden fees like excessive shipping and handling fees, or student pre-pack fees, that can cut into your fundraiser’s profit. offers up to 50% - 90% profit and offers free shipping with a small minimum order.
We want to help. Call one of our experts at 1-888-440-4114. We’ll answer your questions and help you find the perfect fundraiser for your club.
Organization is Not a Choice
Your fundraising program may require you to coordinate numerous adult and youth volunteers. This means you will need to be highly organized and have a fundraising plan that includes all of your communication and management needs. Try these tips:
- Determine your overall fundraising profit objective, as well as individual sales targets, and be sure they’re communicated consistently to your sellers and parents during the fundraiser.
- Prepare a list of adult volunteers and define their tasks - weekly funds collection, distribution day, and so forth.
- Organize a list of important dates from kick-off date, to collection dates, to distribution day, and stick to them.
- Prepare a list of weekly meeting dates for your Fundraising Board, so you can deal with any challenges promptly. Get all of your fundraising managers’ emails and make sure you’re CCed on any fundraising-related issues, to ensure you’re in the loop.
- Put together an incentive program that will to encourage students and parents to sell big time. Have an area inside the school where students can see the prizes they can win.
- Have one of the most effective speakers, possibly the principal, be part of your kick-off sales pitch.
- Prepare weekly letters as well as emails to keep the students and parents informed of the fundraiser status.
Motivate Your School Fundraiser Volunteers
Fundraisers aren’t on everyone’s list of favorite things to do, so it’s critical to use your enthusiasm to keep the sellers inspired about the campaign. Consider these ideas:
- Assign individual ‘accounts’ for students, groups or classes so their progress and contribution can be tracked individually. A portion or all of the profit they generate, goes to them.
- Offer prizes to individuals, groups or classes who surpass particular milestones like quickest or most sales.
- Do shout-outs to groups or people who are succeeding or improving. This can be done in a weekly e-mail recap, a social media update or at a school assembly. Public recognition can be a highly effective motivator.
- Remember to maintain an enjoyable and light atmosphere so volunteers remain happy to help and highly productive. Have fun!
- Make sure that students thank their supporters for their generosity and inform their supporters about what they helped their school or club achieve with the new funds.
Turn fundraising activities into a helpful learning experience
The hectic pace of a fundraiser can sometimes overshadow the positive learning experience it can represent for the students. Draw focus to the many skills that they can develop. Have your senior volunteers and or teachers understand that you expect the students to learn through fundraising and to use this fundraiser as an opportunity to learn or showcase some of the following skills:
- Communication And Sales Skills - Fundraising forces students to talk to people in their community, to explain their fundraising endeavour, to deal with rejection and to celebrate a sale. It forces them to problem-solve and to consider all of the channels through which they can generate more sales. Skills for life!
- Math Skills - Your fundraising participants will have to quickly perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, throughout your fundraiser. If they participate in collections for their entire class or school, they will get even more practice. Why not derive interesting statistics - number of orders per class, sales per class, average profit per student by class, etc, for even more math learning!
- Teamwork - Having the students fundraise in groups of 2’s and 3’s provides them with the experience of working together to reach a common goal, which is a skill they’ll need for a successful career, family life and sports. Also, they learn team effort, because every seller’s individual fundraising efforts are for the good of the entire class or school, not just themselves personally.
- Leadership - Fundraising is an super opportunity to become a leader – consider asking the students to be in charge of collections for their class, to create posters to promote the fundraiser, to announce fundraising updates over the school intercom, set-up the prize table, and to do sales pitch role plays in front of their class or school to teach others the ideal way to sell your product. Watch their confidence grow!
Booster Club Fundraising Safety Tips
If you choose to go door-to-door fundraising, it’s crucial that safety comes first. Kids should never go out alone to sell product and this must be mentioned throughout all of your communications with parents and sellers.
Consider these fundraiser safety tips:
- Always ensure children are with parents when fundraising door-to-door.
- Older children and teenagers should always use the buddy system and have no fewer than two players traveling together. An ideal configuration includes 3 older kids, two who are going to be ringing the doorbell and 1 that will stay on the edge of the property to have a secure view in case help needs to be called.
- Never go into someone’s home, under ANY condition. All fundraising should take place on the person’s door-step.
- Students and volunteers shouldn’t carry large amounts of money. They should place money in a safe and protected location in their home, several times throughout the fundraising campaign.

The scratch cards definitely stands out as one of the best. Everyone had a lot of fun with all the scratching. The coupons had great value for the supporters as well which made it extra easy to sell!
Booster Club | Bakersfield CA
We sell over $1,000 a year in spring flower bulb sales. This is the easiest fundraising we have been involved in with the most profit. I would recommend the bulb sales to anyone looking for an easy profitable fundraiser.
Booster Club | Citronelle AL