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Top People to People Fundraising Ideas

Scratch & Help

Scratch & Help

Fun and easy way for your group to earn up to 100% profit!

$20 Cookie Dough Plus

Cookie Dough

Fundraising sales will be easy with our $20 tubs and 6 best-selling flavors

Snackin in the USA

Snackin In The USA

Sell 20 delicious, sweet and savory treats for only $10 each!

$1 America's Variety Pack

$1 Candy Bars

The quality, price, 5 flavors, and sweet taste will make these a favorite

People to People Fundraising

People to People International (PTPI) is an organization looking to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural, humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives—involving the exchange of both ideas and experiences directly between people of different countries and origins. In doing so, they hope to make the world a better place for the diverse set of cultures that exist on earth. The vision PTPI has set out for itself is no small task, and requires the collaborative help of communities internationally and locally to succeed.

Are you like many other students who are trying to raise money for their first people-to-people travel experience? It is definitely not easy to raise money all alone. Many youth seek the help of parents, siblings and close friends to help them with their people-to-people fundraisers. From experience, we know that organizing a successful fundraising event can be extremely difficult, especially if it’s only yourself and a few others helping out. You may want to consider selling a new type of product each month, in order to keep the funds flowing in. For example, month 1, you could sell $1 candy bars; month 2, you could sell dry mix cookie dough; month 3, you could sell scratch cards, etc. With the help of friends and family and finding some creative locations to sell, you could be well on your way to reaching your fundraising goals.

High-Profit Fundraising for the People, by the People

At JustFundraising.com, we understand the intricacies of implementing people-to-people fundraisers. Over 15 years, we have helped over 30,000 groups earn more than $70 million. With a wide selection of quality fundraisers, a genuine and highly experienced team of fundraising experts, and our highest profit guarantee, we can help you set-up one or more people-to-people fundraising campaigns so you can raise the money you need and get the full international experience!

JustFundraising Offers the Following to Ensure You Raise More:

  • Fundraising Experts To Help Guide You
  • Free Order-Takers and Free Shipping
  • High Quality Products That Sell Themselves
  • 20+ FREE-to-Start Fundraisers
  • The Highest Profit Guarantee or Your Order is FREE

For helpful fundraising tips on how to setup your People to People fundraiser click here or scroll-down the page.

Browse our Other Categories of People to People Fundraising Products

JustFundraising offers 2 methods of product fundraising – order-takers (or brochures) and direct-sellers (also known as show-and-sell).

Order Takers

Order-Takers are brochures featuring quality items to sell, such as cookie dough, gourmet snacks and gift items, usually priced between $5 and $25. We’ll send them to you free of charge so you can start selling, and earning up to 55% profit.

Direct Sellers

Direct-Sellers are any product that you have in-hand to sell such as lollipops, Hershey’s candy bars, beef sticks and scratch cards, usually priced between $0.50 and $5. Free Shipping on all.


The Smart Snacks is a great fundraiser. The process from start to finish is simple and our rep is great.


Shane | Campbell MO

