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How to Start a Fundraiser

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Starting a fundraiser is a time-consuming and often difficult process. It’s more complex than it sounds, since there are a number of variables you have to account for so that your group earns as much as possible. Thus, if you want to start a fundraiser, it’s best to proceed in an organized fashion. Consider the plan of action below.

Decide what kind of fundraiser you want to do.

This depends on the size of your group, how much money you want to raise, and when you’d like to hold the fundraiser, since seasonal fundraisers often earn good profits. Product fundraisers are usually a good idea; our order-taker fundraisers cost no money to start. For example, your group can sell Smart Snacks mixes, for 50% profit, at $6 each—they come in 12 delicious, classic flavors—or reusable, eco-friendly Dodo Bags, for 40% profit, at $10-$12 each.

Decide how much money you want to make.

This is the ultimate goal that your group will be striving for. Be realistic about it; don’t plan on making more than your group possibly can. If you’re fundraising to achieve a specific goal, aim for a little more than you need, in case of unforeseen expenses.

Decide who will constitute the audience of your fundraiser.

It’s best if your fundraiser is for everyone, so that your group can earn as much as possible. If you do a fundraiser for a certain group of people—the other students at your school, for example—tailor your fundraiser for that audience.

Decide when your fundraiser will take place.

If you’re holding a product fundraiser, spread it out over a few weeks so your group members have enough time to sell the products. If you’re holding a show, have tickets available for a week or two beforehand.

Calculate the costs, if any.

Don’t forget to calculate the prices of everything you need—and then some, in case of anything you missed now but that might come up later. For example, even if the fundraiser itself is free, you may have to pay for printing costs if you choose to advertise with flyers.

For fundraisers with multiple stages, plan how it will be carried out.

Planning your fundraiser properly is one of the most important things you have to do. Answer the following questions:

  • When will I tell my group members about the fundraiser?
  • When will we start advertising?
  • When will be an effective time for us to start fundraising?
  • Also, make sure every step has a start and end date; these might coincide.

    If applicable, reserve the venue and/or order the products.

    Be sure to do this well in advance, so that you’re on top of things. The earlier you do this, the earlier you can begin selling the products.

    Ultimately, when starting a fundraiser, you should be following a well-designed plan, with organized steps, so that everything is properly accounted for. First, decide how much you want to earn, what kind of fundraiser your group will do, who your audience is, and when your fundraiser will take place. Then, calculate the costs; plan the different stages of the fundraiser; and reserve the venue and/or order the products. Now that you know how to start a fundraiser, start one with your group! It’ll be well-organized, so it’s sure to be successful.
