Spirit Chain Competition Helps Raise Money

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“Every year Centerville High School participates in a Spirit Chain competition to raise money for a charity while competing against Fairmont High School. This year the charities that are being selected are Angels for Anna – this is very local and United Rehabilitation Center Both which both touched me on a personal level after finding out what they do and my connections. Anna, the beautiful young girl who inspired Angels for Anna shared the same cardiologist as I did while we both went through years of doctors visits. Both charities are wonderful causes that we can all get behind and help support. Angels for Anna’s saying is simple, “Do something nice, for someone else, every day.” Their ultimate goal is to be able to open a facility to provide comprehensive opportunities for life enhancement. This charity was started with Anna’s parents, Anna suffered from being blind, deaf, and a disease called Rubella and after a long fight, she peacefully passed away in September 2012. The other charity we are raising money for is United Rehabilitation Center, which is open to helping work with anyone with a disability. With our donations toward their charity, they will be able to create a nature walking trail for their patients and families.”